Which of the two Profiles SSC or RRB NTPC is a harder option?


Question: Which of the two Profiles SSC or RRB NTPC is a harder option?

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Anonymous 5 years 1 Answer 240 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. RRB NTPC and SSC CGL are some of the elite government job profiles that a candidate can done. In order to determine the hardest of the two one has to understand profiles for both the jobs.

    Job Profile
    RRB NTPC: Job Profile
    In RRB NTPC ,the candidate is expected to conduct mainly the functions involved with the supervisory and administrative aspects such as:
    -Operating the signals.
    -Maintaining the Railway accounts .
    -Working as Guards and Goods Guards.
    -Perform any work specified by department.

    SSC CGL: Job Profile
    Likewise if a candidate is employed as n officer recruited through SSC CGL, the candidate is expected to carry the following functions.
    -Do clerical work in office like answering RTI queries.
    -Make notes and do filing work.
    -Do general administration work.
    -Do field Jobs that involve travelling.
    -Carry out raids,Inspections, surveillance etc.
    -Help in shaping Nationwide policies by looking after the back office work.
    In terms of work load and Pressure the RRB NTPC are mainly non technical jobs in the Railway and one carries out functions related to the post. After the initial orientation it is a continuous learning curve. The work schedule will depend on your post and the department , you are working in. It may be a day job, a night job, or anything as per the need of the railways.
    The SSC CGL has various departments and the profile varies with each department. The task nature may vary from
    Supervision, Administrative Task, or any assigned by senior officials from time to time.The job involves a candidate to undergo rigorous training to understand the nitty-gritties of Administration.In SSC,you shall be assigned a proper work schedule. Daily you will be going in the morning and coming back to your home in the evening, no extra work hours and working in shifts.

    Thus if you compare the two profiles SSC CGL is comparatively a more rigorous one.

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