Which amongst the GATE and the SSC-CGL is a better choice after the GATE Exam?


Question: Which amongst the GATE and the SSC CGL is a better choice after the GATE Exam?

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Anonymous 5 years 1 Answer 2052 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. The choice of appearing for either of the two examinations is dependent on the understanding of your core subject. GATE examination expects a candidate to have a conceptual understanding of the material covered in your Undergraduate degree. The GATE Exam thus expects a candidate to have knowledge of all the subjects studied and answer the questions within a time frame of 3 Hours. Speed and Accuracy are vital elements of the exam.
    Type of Questions in GATE
    a) Questions in the Exam
    b)Numerical Questions
    The number of vacancies are few and only a limited for candidates whose score is around 700 or above.
    One of the advantages of appearing in the SSC CGL Exam is that it has a similar syllabus to other examination. Thus any candidate who appears for the SSC CGL Exam simultaneously can appear for Banking or Railways Exam for the pattern is similar. The number of candidates appearing for the SSC CGL Exam is very high around 15 Lacs. So the candidate has to prepare hard for both exams as per his best capacity

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