What is the syllabus for the HPAS Prelims Exam?


What is the syllabus for the HPAS Prelims Exam?

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Answer ( 1 )

  1. The Prelims Exam consists of two sections which are General Studies and Aptitude Test. The Syllabus for both are as follows:

    Paper I (General Studies)
    This paper shall be of 200 marks and there shall be 100 objective type questions from the syllabus OF History, Political Science, Geography, art & culture and socio-economic developments OF Himachal Pradesh. There shall be current events OF National and International Importance, history OF India and
    Indian national movement. Indian and World geography physical, social, economic geography of India and the world. Indian polity and governance- Constitution, political system, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights issues et al. Economics and social development— sustainable development poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives et al. General issues on environmental ecology, biodiversity, climate change and General Science.

    Paper Il (Aptitude test)
    This paper shall be of 200 marks and there shall be 100 objective type questions from the Comprehension, Interpersonal skills including communication skills, logical reasoning and analytical ability, Decision making and problem-solving, General Mental ability, Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude et al. (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency et al. — Class X level). English language comprehension skills (Class X level).

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