What is an Ideal Strategy to crack the GATE Exam?


Question: What is an ideal strategy to crack the GATE Exam?

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Anonymous 5 years 1 Answer 174 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Let me share with you the strategy that the candidates should follow to ace the exam. Here are some of the key points that should be kept in mind by every aspirant of the GATE Exam.
    1. Pay Attention to all the things covered in your coaching class and ensure to make short notes.
    2. Ensure to go through these notes on a daily basis.
    3. Solve as many problems and previous years questions on the concepts learnt.
    4. Ensure to clear your doubts on a regular basis through a mentor.
    5. Cover your subjects one by one and move on only once done with the first subject. Prepare handy quick notes of reference that you can go through as the exam draws near.
    6. Start with the most basics topic such as Network Theory and then move on to Analog, Maths, and Signals
    7. Follow minimum books and avoid getting confused.
    8. Keep the last month for revision and at this stage follow the short notes and solve as many questions as possible. Ensure to give as many Mock Test for Time Management.

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