What are some of the Do’s and Dont’s of the SSC CGL Exam?


Question: What are some of the Dos and Dont’s of the SSC CGL Exam?

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Anonymous 5 years 1 Answer 196 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. SSC CGL is one of the most popular exams attempted by the candidates across the country. The year 2018 saw about 25 lakh applications for which about 8 Lakh candidates appeared for the exam. Thus you can imagine the competition level in the exa Here are some Do’s and Dont’s that a candidate has to consider in order to be successful in the Exam.

    1 DOs

    a) Read the Notifications properly and complete the Application Form with the utmost care. For instance, if the application asked for job preference ensure to consider all the aspects before making the choice.
    b)When initiating the preparation begin with understanding the syllabus and the Exam Pattern. A wise strategy is to go through the previous papers to understand the questions being repeatedly asked.
    c)Once you have gone through the syllabus select the study material. It is best to follow a single book for each subject more books shall get one confused.
    d) For Quants, another strategy is to write the Formulas on a notebook which are handy as the exam approaches.
    e)3-4 months are ideal for the preparation as it shall provide you with the right time to start and follow it up with the necessary practice.
    f)Vocabulary- Initiate with a single alphabet and move forth. Within a short time, you shall see how much it has been polished.
    g)Follow a good Newspaper like The Hindu or The Hindustan Times and jot down difficult words and build vocabulary. For GK follow a Year Book too.

    2 DON’Ts
    However, there are times many candidates take this exam not seriously. The exam is challenging as there are others as or more competent than you.
    a) Each stage of the exam is crucial and should not be taken lightly. Thus whether it is the Prelims or the Mains one should attempt it with seriousness. There are many candidates who fall short in the Mains.
    b)Don’t rush for filling in details in the Exam Hall. Your candidature can stand cancelled for filling in wrong details.
    c)Never underestimate the significance of test series at any stage of preparation.Practicing these mock series can give you the practice and help the candidate with the speed and accuracy.

    Hope the above helps !! All the very best !!

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