Probability of Admission to University through good IELTS Score


Question: I had recently appeared for the IELTS Academic Exam and received a BAND SCORE of 8.5. Does it guarantee me admission to the Institute?

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Ruchika Pathak 5 years 1 Answer 186 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Before discussing your chances of admission to the above-mentioned university, it is important to discuss the various factors the universities consider to ake their decision. These factors are listed below:
    1 Program Applied
    2 English Proficiency Scores
    3 Academic Performance
    4 Recommendation Letters
    5 Related Experience
    6 Extra-Curricular Activities
    7 Community Service

    These 7 are some of the many factors that the institutes consider to make their decision. The reason for this is simply that the Foreign universities, for the most part, form their respective classes with students who have balanced academically as well as in co-curricular activities for it is a belief that they are able to contribute effectively to the society more after graduation. Recommendations from the Employers and Faculty are valued by the institutes to a great extent and contribute immensely to a student’s selection.

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