Preparation of Seno C and D Exam


Question: What should be the strategy for the preparation of Steno C and D of SSC Exam(Both Written and Skill)

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Naman-Talwar 5 years 1 Answer 227 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. For the preparation of the SSC Exam, the candidate has to be proficient in English, General Awareness and Intelligence. In the English Paper half of the questions are from Grammar and Vocabulary. The ideal strategy of reading newspaper will allow scoring about 70% of the questions.
    For GA (General Awareness): The ideal Strategy for General Awareness is to follow yearbook and newspaper readings.
    For GI (General Intelligence): if you save your time in GA + English, then, you will be able to solve at least 30-35 out of 50 questions. GI questions don’t require much practice.
    The candidate has to work hard in order to ace the examination.
    Joining a coaching institute for practising shorthand is the ideal strategy for practising for the Steno Exam.

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