
Question: What is considered a good IELTS BAND Score?

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sunanda_trivedi 5 years 1 Answer 596 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. The scale on which the Scores of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) are calculated varies from a scale from 1 to 9. The description of each BAND shall follow suit in the text. Since the exam tests the candidate’s proficiency in the use of English Language them, thus there is no such thing as PASS or FAIL Scores.IELTS has four sections:
    a)Listening: Candidates hear short and long conversations and are expected to answer the questions relating to it.
    b)Reading: Section consists of short passages followed by a couple of questions relating to the passage. Candidates need to go through the passage and answer the questions that follow.
    c)Speaking: The section is a conversation between the examiner and the candidate and the questions can vary from personal to about a specific topic.
    d)Writing: This IELTS section is divided into 2 tasks and it could range anything from writing a letter, Essay or an Application.
    Each section is graded on a scale of 0-9. The score is handed over to you on a ‘Test Report Form’.Besides the sectional scores, the candidate also receives an overview band score which is an average score of all the skills combined. The candidate could also receive .5 scores as well (for example, 5.5 or 6.5). The final IELTS score is a round-off to the nearest tens. If a candidate scores 6.5 then it would be round-off to 7.

    Band Score Skill Level Description
    Band 9 Expert user Full operational command of the language. Demonstrate accuracy and
    fluency, and you show complete understanding.

    Band 8 Very good user Full operational command of the language. Occasional Unsystematic errors
    and inappropriate usage. One may misunderstand some things in an
    unfamiliar situations, but is able to handle complex argumentation well.

    Band 7 Good user Operational command of the language, with occasional inaccuracies,
    inappropriate usage and misunderstandings in a few situations, but able
    to handle complex language well with detailed reasoning and

    Band 6 Competent user Effective command of the language despite a few inaccuracies,
    inappropriate usage and misunderstandings. However, one is able to
    understand the complex language in familiar situations.

    Band 5 Modest user Display of basic competence limited to familiar situations. However, the
    individual is unable to use complex language.

    Band 4 Limited user Understand General meaning in very familiar situations. The person
    experiences difficulty in maintaining a normal flow of communication.

    Band 3 Extremely limited user Great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.

    Band 2 Intermittent user Candidate is only able to use a few isolated words.

    Band 1 Non-user Candidate didn’t answer the questions.

    Band 0 Absent Did not attempt the test –

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