How should I start my preparation for the IAS Exam?


How should I start my preparation for the IAS Exam


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Anonymous 5 years 1 Answer 468 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Let’s face it IAS Exam is considered to be the mother of all the competitive examinations in the country. The exam is not for the easy-going candidates and selects only the brightest of the minds. We urge the candidates to read in detail about the strategy to be adopted for preparing the exam. The strategy can be a blueprint for the newcomers on how to start their preparation.

    Step 1: Ask Question what motivates you for the IAS? The answer to this question is crucial for it provides the candidates with the clarity on the hardships and struggle that might accompany the preparation for the Exam. Clarification on the fundamentals shall save you so much time in the coming days. The success rate of the IAS Exam is extremely low and the candidate should have a backup plan ready too in case of Failure.

    Step 2:Observe the strategy followed by candidates and accordingly analyze your strengths and weaknesses. Whatever stage you are in, spend some time observing successful candidates and analyzing your own strengths and weaknesses. Have conversations with friends or any of your college faculty and look for the shortcomings if any. Seek remedial measures which act as the guidelines.

    Step 3:The candidate should also decide on the relocation. There are many candidates who have moved to metros in search of better preparation opportunities. One should evaluate himself if he wants to take such a route.

    Step 4: Prepare the Time Table according to the number of days left to complete the syllabus. The various topics should be given specific time so as to ensure the timely completion of all topics along with time for preparation. Here is the sequence of Steps that one can follow for an effective IAS Preparation.

    Understand the Pattern and Syllabus of the Exam: Plan for each subpart – the books, the time you are going to allot to each subpart.
    Gather all the Resources: Future candidates likely to appear for the IAS should tap Offline Resources like Standard Books, Notes and Online Resources.
    Past Year Question Papers: It is essential that the candidate goes through the last 3 years Preliminary and Mains Question Papers.
    Prepare Simultaneously for all the 3 Stages: It is extremely that the candidates prepare for the 3 stages of the exam simultaneously as there is very less time between the individual stages.
    One should first start with the preparation of the Optionals and give it a first reading even before the Preliminaries. This is followed by the Mains and the Prelims

    Target is to finish 1 good reading of Optional before Prelims. For best results, the preparation should be divided into Optional, GS4, Essay, GS1, GS2, GS3 along with Current Affairs. Do NOT neglect GS4 & Essay.

    Last but not least a word of advice for all the candidates to use their time judiciously for preparation.

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