How can you get a BAND SCORE OF 8 in IELTS General?


Question: How can you get a BAND SCORE OF 8 in IELTS General?

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Anonymous 5 years 1 Answer 152 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. IELTS General Exam is attempted by candidates who are seeking to Immigrate to another country or join a professional organization. It is essential that the candidate achieves high scores to convince the immigration officials. There are 4 components of the IELTS Exam and performance in each section contributes to the overall BAND SCORE.

    Reading Section

    Attempting the reading section is the easiest. It is thus recommended that the candidate reads the first 2-3 questions and then initiate the reading. Thus instead of proceeding from reading to answering, the candidate should follow the backward route. When you get the answer of 2, read next 3 (3 to 5). Do not read the whole paragraph. As a matter of fact, you could answer all the question without any tension like this.

    Use linking words and Synonyms instead of repeating the words. Ensure to use correct tenses. Practice writing number of essays and get it evaluated from an able teacher.

    Listen to News in English and get yourself familiar with different Accents like the British, Australian, South African and New Zealand. Record the conversations and practice solving as many questions. It is essential that the students pay attention to the words spoken and mark the answers. The conversations are not repeated again. The candidate should highlight the answer and the last 10 minutes are given he can darken the circles

    It basically involves a chit chat with the instructor. Ensure to answer fluently and with confidence and avoid frequent pauses in between. The basic objective is to make the interviewer believe in your natural communication abilities. Also, ensure to let the interviewer finish his question before you answer. Ensure to elaborate the answer a little bit and not give a single word answer. For Instance if you are asked the question about your Native place, name the city along with a line that defines it. For long answer ensure to maintain the conversation flow taking care of Vocabulary and Grammar as you are rated on these points.

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