How can I improve my Grammar and Vocabulary in IELTS Exam?


Question: How can I improve my Grammar and Vocabulary in IELTS Exam?

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Anonymous 5 years 1 Answer 155 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. The candidate should seek the following guidelines in order to enhance the Grammar and Vocabulary for the famous English Proficiency Exam of the World.
    1. First and foremost requirement is to understand the Exam Pattern of the IELTS and target preparation accordingly.
    2. Imagine yourself as a native speaker and start speaking English with Friends and Family.
    3. Practice to Speak English Fluently.
    4. Enjoy your Learning practice. Watch movies and Programs and look for new words and seek their meaning.
    5. Ensure to read newspapers every day and practise writing essays using new words learnt.
    6. Take practice sessions and participate in group discussions.
    7. Learn the basics fro a good Grammar Book like Word Power Made Easy.
    8. Appear for Mock Tests for Practice.
    9. Don’t stress on remembering for answers. Just Relax and be Natural.
    10.Seek Guidance from a mentor if necessary.

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