Exploring Difficulty in Speaking


Question: I am an Engineer with limited English fluency skills. How can I score high in the IELTS English Speaking Section?

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Nidhi_Khanna 5 years 1 Answer 240 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. To achieve a high BAND SCORE in the IELTS Speaking section, it is essential that one not only is fluent in the language but also uses an array of Verbs , Phrases and idioms. As is the case with other sections the candidate is ranked on the basis of BAND SCORES from 1-9 for each section. The candidates are ranked on the basis of 4 parameters:
    1 25% – Pronunciation
    2 25% – Fluency and coherence
    3 25% – Grammar
    4 25% – Lexical Resource

    Tips for High Score in IELTS Speaking
    a) Use of Good Vocabulary.
    b) Avoid Repetitive words and use Synonyms instead.
    Use Correct Tenses, Voice, and Right use of Grammar.

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