Departments Offering Direct Promotions


Question: Are there any departments offering direct promotions in the SSC CGL without having to give any exams?

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sapna_chowdhary 5 years 1 Answer 158 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Here are some of the rules that the candidates who clear the exam are expected to abide by:
    a)Candidate joining the department is allotted a number which will be your ID.
    b)It is mandatory for the candidate to work in the department for 4 years before considering to join some other.
    c)Also worth noting that Class A positions are reserved for Civil Services such as ( Commissioner, Secretory etc).
    d)The promotions of the candidates are done in 2 steps
    i)Seniority: Depends on experience, vacancies, previous service record, ability to promote.
    ii)InterDepartment exam:- If you join any Department as a clerk and are looking for promotions, then you have a chance to attend this exam and opportunities to reach high-level ranks.

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