StudyCube is a premium study space with fresh and vibrant classrooms with technological amenities and a premium library/ co-working space. StudyCube provides customize English speaking and writing courses that are tailored to your needs. Be it fluency, vocabulary, or simply getting a grasp of day-to-day English to socialize confidently. StudyCube has an in-house experienced certified personality development and etiquette coach that helps to bring out confidence and self-esteem and prepare you for modern-day ways and manners. StudyCube handholds each of the aspirants and provide experienced guidance as per the individual needs.
A venture started by two highly accomplished partners Nitasha and Porush Rajvanshi to bridge the gap that prevents young aspirates from their dream job. They both come with deep industry experience of over 15 years with masters in Finance, Marketing and Language.
(Since 2019)
English Speaking Course | Communication Skills | Leadership Skills | Personality Development | SBI Bank PO | Other Banking Jobs | IBPS RRB | Bank PO | RBI | Cooking Classes |